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Reading Learning Disabilities Information & Facts

Reading Program

The Learning Disabilities Association of PEI is pleased to offer The Island Reader Program. This program benefits those with reading difficulties, including dyslexia. This program is available year-round in person or online and/or as a Summer program.

Types of Reading Learning Disabilities

(pronounced: dis lek see uh)

Dyslexia is the most common form of all learning disabilities. It is a language-based disability in which a person has trouble understanding words, sentences, or paragraphs.

People with dyslexia often have problems with processing or understanding what they read or hear. Many dyslexic people are notably talented in arts and music; 3-D visual perception; athletic and mechanical ability.

For more information, visit www.dyslexiacanada.org.

(pronounced: dis gra fee uh)

Dysgraphia is a writing disability where people find it hard to form letters and write within a defined space. Many people with dysgraphia possess handwriting that is uneven and inconsistent. Many are able to write legibly but do so very slowly or very small. Typically, people with dysgraphia are unable to visualize letters and do not possess the ability to remember the motor patterns of letters and writing requires a large amount of energy and time.

Visual processing disorders cause people to struggle with seeing the differences between similar letters, numbers, objects, colours, shapes and patterns. Like auditory processing disorders, visual processing disorders are not considered learning disabilities by the Canadian Government, but could be an issue when it comes to learning.

Island Reader Program

Additional Tools & Resources

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We can help.

The Learning Disabilities Association of PEI exists to advance the interests of people with learning disabilities. LDAPEI can contribute to and support the success of people with learning disabilities. Contact us today to chat about your situation.