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Math Program

Program Details

JUMP Math is a remediation program that grows the confidence of students who have not reached Grade 8 math level. This program is used in conjunction with other supports that the tutor feels will benefit the student and their understanding of math concepts. At or beyond Grade 8, students are switched to Academic math, in which tutors focus on class work, supplemented with materials from Discovery Math and other materials.

  • Tutoring is offered year-round, school year only (September to June), semester only, or summer only. Sessions consist of one-hour blocks, although within this time we are flexible to the needs of students (for example co-occurring with ADHD) therefore actual tutoring time will be less than one hour.
  • Students progress at their own pace and the tutor ensures the learning is retained before moving on to a new concept.
  • Tutors may prepare notes on what the student has been studying and their progress. About once a month or so, tutors may prepare more detailed reports on student progress.
  • Tutoring takes place one-on-one.
  • In-person tutoring takes place at ‘hub’ sites which may be a school or a community location or the LDAPEI office.
  • LDAPEI does not offer tutoring in individual homes.
  • Tutors are either graduates from University Education programs, with a minimum B.Ed., and are certified and registered to teach on PEI, or have the equivalent experience and training.


Cost: Registration fee + $45 per session (post-paid)

  • Payment may be by e-transfer, cheque or cash (e-transfer preferred).
  • A receipt will be issued shortly after payment is made.

For more information, please connect with us.

Math Program Registration Form