LD Facts

Homework Tips For Parent & Child

The primary purpose of homework is to reinforce the information and skills your child learns at school. It has been reported that teachers of all grades are increasing the amount of homework they assign. This makes homework time-consuming both for parents and children. It is helpful when parents can help their children develop strategies to…

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Skills For Academic Success

It’s never too early or too late to help your child develop the skills for academic success. Learn how to build these skills and stay on track all year long. It takes a combination of skills —organization, time management, prioritization, concentration and motivation — to achieve academic success. Here are some tips to help get…

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Tips On Preventing Mental Health Issues

There are certain aspects of learning disabilities which increase the risk for an individual to experience mental health issues. Failure to identify a learning disability at an early age and to consequently delay the provision of intensive, individualized instruction results in school failure. A child who was well-adjusted as a five or six year old…

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Making Friends Do’s & Don’ts

To be a good friend a child must be able to consistently be flexible, sensitive, responsive, be able to read social situations, take a joke, etc,. Often kids with LDs are very concrete thinkers, which makes them inflexible and get them into more conflicts with their classmates, siblings, families.   To be able to effectively…

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What Are Social Skills?

Social skills are the skills we use in every environment that includes two or more people. They include such things as manners and reading and reacting appropriately in ‘social environments’. Being able to read social cues is probably the most important skill we need as almost every environment we are in is a social environment.…

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Tips For Managing Family Friction

Working with your Child: Sort out the reasonable part of the relative’s request from the inappropriate manner in which it was expressed to your child. Rephrase the request in a way your child will respond to more positively. This will model a better approach to managing your child’s behaviour – both for him and the…

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Losing the Fear

It can be hard to acknowledge that your child is having difficulty in school—let alone a potential learning disability. Perhaps you have worried that by calling attention to your child’s learning problems he might be labeled “slow” or a “discipline problem,” or sent to the wrong class.   What many parents—and their children—don’t realize is…

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Building & Maintaining a Good Relationship With Your Child’s Teacher

Your child is your number one priority, and in a perfect world you could give them everything they need. But let’s face it — you cannot do it alone. The best way to support your child’s needs is to build and maintain a strong, positive relationship with all the people at school who play a…

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Back to School: Working With Teachers & Schools

Starting school each fall is a challenge for the student and parents. The following article offers some valuable suggestions as your child starts a new school year, regardless of whether the child is entering kindergarten, junior high, high school or any grade in between. Many teachers say that they don’t often receive information from parents…

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Becoming an Effective Advocate

Parents know their children in a more profound way than anybody else. They have had years living with, observing, reacting to, understanding, and responding to their children. They have learned under what conditions their children cooperate or resist, initiate or follow, interact or withdraw, and when they are most eager to communicate.   As his…

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